Tahmine Soleymani was born in 1990 in Tabriz city of Iran. She discovered her interest in art from her early years with the help of her family. From elementary school, she went to drawing and painting classes at the same time as studying. Her first professional teacher in the field of design was Hassan Morizinejad in Karaj. Her great interest in art caused to choose graphic arts and she was accepted at Hefdah Shahrivar in Karaj Conservatory and continued her studies. She also studied at Hefdeh Shahrivar Technical Vocational College in Karaj. At this point, she got acquainted with the field of illustration and start this profession.

She was accepted in the bachelor’s degree in graphics from Mir Emad Qazvin University and also completed her master’s degree in the field of graphics at Tehran University of Science and Culture. Despite the many difficulties and the distance, she was engaged in learning the profession of illustration in the classes of Professor Pejman Rahimizadeh. In the field of work, she has collaborated with Noon Publishing in Canada, BehNashr, Soureh Mehr, Jangal Shiraz, Soroush Children, Shabnam Magazine, Popak Magazine, and Roshd Children Magazine. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Iran and an exhibition in Germany, and is also a member of the Iranian Illustrators Association.
Currently, she spends a large part of her working time practicing and experimenting in different styles, and is mostly influenced by figure-oriented works, and makes the most of human and animal figures. From the point of view of colorism, she is more influenced by the works in which warm and cold colors are put together in a pleasant, stunning and harmonious way, and she also maneuvers a lot on this issue. Her internal tension and excitement in illustration is so much that visual study and seeing the outstanding works of artists with style are part of her daily schedule. She is eager to know the working process of other artists. She is currently working on mixed media techniques and the combination of acrylic, oil color, collage and colored pencil, and she has also turned to digital techniques that resemble manual techniques. The reason for her interest in oil and acrylic techniques is that with the help of these colors, very professional and eye-catching color combinations can be obtained, and the texture that these materials give to the artist is very attractive and efficient for her. Recently, at the same time as the book orders, she is working on her picture book, which she is the author and illustrator of that book.

She is very interested in teamwork because she believes that if all members of the group are aware of this importance, the final work will be much stronger and definitely more effective. She considers cooperation and consultation between the author, illustrator and art director to be very necessary in the production of best-quality books. She prepares herself for new challenges in the field of illustration, which includes trying out design methods and improving it daily, as well as experimenting with different techniques. Another goal of her is to experience writing for the age group of children, where the illustrator herself is the author of her works. She wants to be a role model for her only daughter and also for all women who can be hard working and achieve their great goals despite many difficulties in life.

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